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Most common Swedish words with meaning. Most frequent words in Swedish

Most common words in Swedish (with meaning and grammatical information)

Swedish nouns have 2 genders : common and neuter.

Indefinite articles:
en = a, an, one
ett = a, an, one (neuter gender)

Nouns :
en man = man
en dag = day
ett år = year
Sverige = Sweden

jag = I
han = he
hon = she
den = it
det = it
vi = we
de = they
du = you
ni = you (all)
som = who, which, that
sig = oneself, himself, herself (very frequent with verbs)

Possessive pronoun:
sin = his, her, its

Definite articles stand only before an adjective, in other situations the article becomes a noun ending.
den = the (when the noun has the common gender)
det = the (before an adjective, when the noun is neuter)
de = the (before a plural noun)

så = so
inte = not
ej = not
där = there
här = here
var = where ; every, each
när = near ; when
också = also
nu = now
då = then
mycket = very

Prepositions :
i = in
av = of, from
för = for
på = on, at
till = to
med = with
om = about, around
från = from
vid = at, beside
över = over
under = under, during
efter = after
mot = to, towards

och = and
eller = or
men = but
att = that
som = as, like

att = to (before an infinitive)

Verb forms:
att vara = to be : är = am, is, are ; var = was, were
att ha = to have : har = have, has ; hade = had
att skola : ska = will ; skulle = would
att kunna : kan = can ; kunde = could
att säga = to say : säger ; sade (said)
att komma = to come : kommer ; kom (came)