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Most common Indonesian words. Most frequent words in Bahasa Indonesia

Most common words in Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)

orang = man, human
tahun = year
anak = child, son, daughter

Pronouns and adjectives :
yang = which
ini = this
itu = it, that
apa = what

lain = different, else
baik = good

Personal pronouns:
saya = I
aku = I
kau = you
anda = you
kamu = you
ia = he, she, it
dia = he, she, it
kami = we
kita = we
mereka = they

tidak = not, no
tak = not (same as tidak)
sebagai = as
lebih = more
juga = also
saja = only

Adverbs of time:
akan = will (forming future tense)
sudah = already (forming past tense)
telah = already (forming past tense)

dan = and
atau = or
bahwa = that
karena = because

dengan = with
di = in
dalam = in
dari = from, of
untuk = for
pada = on, at
ke = to
kepada = to
oleh = by

adalah = is
bisa = can
dapat = can
ada = be, there is
menjadi = be, become
tersebut = mentioned
harus = must