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Hindi verbs - present tense - Hindi grammar

Hindi verbs - present tense - Hindi grammar

Hindi verb होना honaa (to be) has fully irregular forms. These forms are : huu~ in the 1st person singular (pronoun mai~) hai in the 3rd person singular (yah, vah) and with intimate pronoun tuu haĩ in the 1st and 3rd person plural (ham, ye, ve) and with pronoun aap. ho in the 2nd person singular and plural (pronoun tum) All the other verbs make the present tense forms with help of the verb होना honaa. They change the ending of the infinitive -naa to the ending of the present participle : -taa in masculine singular -tii in feminine singular and plural -te in masculine plural

Present tense of jaanaa (go):

1 sing. (मैं)जाता हूँ jaataa huu~जाती हूँ jaatii huu~
3 sing. (यह, वह, तू)जाता है jaataa haiजाती है jaatii hai
1, 3 plur. (हम, ये, वे, आप)जाते हैं jaatee haĩजाती हैं jaatii haĩ
2 plur. (तुम)जाते हो jaatee hoजाती हो jaatii ho